Monday 12 October 2015

What this summer taught me - The Joy of Missing Out

This summer was full, full, full. I think when we went into it I had this intention for slowness and lots of days spent at the beach with my boy. It didn't quite go that way but it was so rich and rewarding I'm leaning into that. We did find many happy days in the garden, on the road (unplugged) and venturing into nature. We prioritized recharging important relationships with family afar and in the process had some amazing mountain, lake and ocean adventures, completely unplugged from technology. I breathed in the space – mental and physical – and really felt present. It was hard coming home to long to-do lists each time but it was worth it in so many ways. Now we're settling into fall and trying to find our centre again. We've been spinning a bit, and so we know we'll focus on trimming a bit more next year. 

The gift of time, slowness and being present is something I've learned is really important to me. A core value. I am shaping the year ahead with so much intention and this is at the centre of it. A dear friend shared this book title with me – Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less – and I know with crystal clear clarity this is the next pathway for me. To say no to things, to stop worrying that I'm missing out on things and simply enjoy the JOMO - the Joy Of Missing Out! It's very timely actually as we unwittingly launched ourselves into a massive house purge in the summer, and so here we are in the midst of chaos in our home and all I can dream about is simplicity, having less, doing less, feeling more spaciousness and peace each day in my surroundings and in my lifestyle. We watched the documentary TINY: A Story About Living Small and though I'm not ready to move to a 100 square foot home, I'm stirred. This is the beginning of a new chapter – challenging ourselves to pare down to what's essential, and LET GO of the rest. I'm inspired. More to come.

xo Ginger

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