Saturday 16 March 2013

Restless in the Spring

I'm feeling restless. Spring is floating around in the air, hinting at fresh starts and new growth. I have this intense urge to clean my space, get systems in order, purge unnecessary material and mental stuff. Old art is coming off the walls and new art going up. We're airing out our walls and bringing spaciousness to our daily lives again. It feels good. Isn't it amazing how much clutter (physical and otherwise) can weigh us down? No more!

It's a strange time for me because I'm not motivated to paint right now, and it's okay. It's actually okay. I'm pouring my creativity into client design work, and into organizing and refreshing my physical and mental space. Ah, this is cause for a deep calm breath. Soon I will be happily back in the studio making art, but for now my canvas is here, in the minutia of our home.

Speaking of art on the walls, I recently bought this small print from a very talented artist and good friend, Melissa Thorpe (see picture below). I can't wait to choose her new home on our wall. 

Portrait of a Lady, by Melissa Thorpe, Hilltop Hausfrau
[Etsy shop here]



  1. Eeeek! Crazy to see my lady, larger than life!

    Thanks for posting this, dear Ginger. Best of luck with your organizing, clearing and airing out...

    1. You betcha. She's lovely.

      Thanks, I definitely sense this is going to be a season of simplifying.
